Case Studies


Digitalizing and outdated sales and inventory processes

Project Duration: 6 - 8 months


The company's workflow relied heavily on knowledge that only existed in the heads of the sales team. The team knew who to call, who to email, and when to enter final information and a desktop application that managed orders and billing. This made it difficult to efficiently manage queries, quotes and orders.

BioIN approached us with a clear objective: they were ready to overhaul their existing systems and move towards a fully digital process. Their priority was to optimize the way they managed customer inquiries, stock checks, quotes and order generation, while integrating these improvements into their billing system. We were excited to embark on this journey with BioIN, helping them unlock new opportunities for efficiency and growth.



Bioin is a well-established, family-owned medical supplies distributor in Ecuador. It was founded in 1996, and ever since have been dedicated to the commercialization of quality medical equipment and devices that help improve and preserve life.

Key results

Complete order process got reduced from a day to 5 min.

Typing mistakes and misunderstandings got reduced to 0.

97% reduction of delivery errors due to false stock availability.

The problem

The biggest challenge BioIN faced was their reliance on outdated and disconnected manual processes. Their entire sales and order management workflow was spread across several different tools and required significant human intervention:

  • Absence of a Defined Process: Tasks were carried out based solely on individual instructions, with no structured workflow in place.

  • Delays in Price and Stock Inquiries: Each new inquiry from a prospective client necessitated multiple calls to various departments within the company to verify reservations, minimum sale prices, and available stock.

  • Manual Communication Channels: Communication with clients was entirely manual, relying on phone calls and emails, with no automated system in place.

  • Manual Data transcription: Once a quote was approved, the sales team would transfer the details into a desktop-based application for order processing and invoicing. This handoff from Excel to the desktop application introduced the potential for data entry errors, miscommunication, and delays in generating invoices. Additionally, there was no centralized system to track the customer’s journey from the initial inquiry to the final sale, meaning that valuable data about the customer lifecycle was being lost.

This fragmented system created inefficiencies and left BioIN struggling to keep up with competitors who had embraced digital workflows. The management team realized that if they wanted to scale their operations and improve customer service, they needed a more streamlined and automated approach.

The solution

We designed and implemented a fully integrated mobile application that allowed BioIN to centralize and digitize every aspect of their workflow—from initial customer inquiries to order generation. The new system replaced the manual Excel-based processes and significantly improved efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction.

  • Real-Time Product and Customer Catalogs: The first major improvement was the digitalization of BioIN's entire product and customer catalog. Instead of manually checking availability through Excel, the new mobile app provided real-time access to product stock levels, pricing information, and customer details. Sales representatives could quickly verify whether a product was available and generate a quote directly from the mobile app.

  • Quote Generation and Email Integration: With the new system, sales representatives could now generate quotes within the app, selecting products and quantities while the app automatically pulled up-to-date pricing and stock data. Once the quote was ready, it could be sent directly to the customer’s email from within the app, eliminating the need for manual email composition and attachment handling. This streamlined process not only saved time but also reduced errors that could occur with manual data entry.

  • Communication and Approvals Workflow: One of the most significant pain points for BioIN was the back-and-forth communication involved in price reviews and management approvals. The mobile app integrated communication channels, allowing sales representatives to send requests for price approval to management directly through the system. Managers could review, approve, or modify the prices without needing to switch between different platforms, making the entire process more fluid and responsive.

  • Order Generation and Invoice Synchronization: Once a quote was approved by the customer, the app automatically generated a corresponding order. This order would then sync directly with BioIN's existing invoicing and billing software, eliminating the need for manual data transfer between platforms. This integration drastically reduced the time required to move from quote approval to order generation and invoicing, cutting down on administrative overhead and minimizing the potential for errors.

  • Analytics and Performance Dashboards: To give management greater insight into operations, the app also provided dashboards with real-time analytics on customer interactions, quote approvals, order conversions, and agent performance. This data enabled BioIN's leadership to make informed decisions, identify areas for improvement, and reward high-performing employees based on concrete metrics.

New opportunities

The implementation of the new mobile application has positioned BioIN for continued growth, but the journey doesn't stop here. As a company, BioIN is constantly looking for ways to improve and scale its operations. With the success of this digital transformation, new doors have opened for further automation and optimization.

One of the next steps in BioIN’s digital journey is the automation of other manual processes that are still in place across the organization. For example, integrating their CRM and inventory management systems with suppliers and logistics partners could further enhance the accuracy of stock information and improve delivery times. Additionally, exploring predictive analytics and AI-based tools could help them better anticipate customer demand and manage inventory levels more effectively.

At every stage, we’re committed to helping BioIN seize these new opportunities and continue growing their business in a competitive market.



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